Cornerstones4Care® (C4C) is an award-winning online patient support platform from Novo Nordisk, a world leader in diabetes care. C4C customizes the patient experience with educational resources for people at each phase of their diabetes journey while focusing on the four cornerstones of diabetes care: healthy eating, being active, medicine, and tracking. The goal of the platform is to provide comprehensive information that patients and their care teams use between office visits to achieve better health outcomes.
In 2021, the Onminchannel Patient Experience Team at Novo Nordisk asked Alexander Health to take the C4C program a step further with the design of mobile-optimized infographic ads aimed at enhancing engagement with As part of the design team at Alexander Health, I designed the series of 12 infographics featuring topics such as blood glucose, dining out, and building a balanced meal, using line art illustrations along with simple text that makes complex topics easy to understand. The assets were created with multiple end uses in mind, including social media, web banner advertising and personalized emails. Space for co-branding elements allow the assets to be personalized with the logo of a participating healthcare partner.
The campaign launched with animated ads on Facebook in November 2021, targeting an audience of more than 17 million in the United States. In 2022, the campaign will be expanding to reach the Hispanic community with additional Spanish-language ads.