Our sense of smell is central to how we interact with the world, but it was not until the COVID-19 pandemic that many realized how integral smell and taste are to daily life. According to some estimates, the pandemic could leave 750,000 Americans without the ability to smell, with major implications to their safety and quality of life.
Monell Chemical Senses Center is a world-renowned research and teaching center in Philadephia, where discoveries in taste, smell, and related senses lead to early detection, prevention, and treatment of disease. A team of scientists and collaborators at Monell developed SCENTinel, a rapid smell test, at the height of the pandemic. SCENTinel uses three subtests - odor detection, odor intensity, and odor identification - to determine if participants are experiencing a compromised sense of smell. Hundreds of SCENTinel tests were distributed and results recorded for further research.
I was asked to develop the first print materials for SCENTinel, incorporating the peel-and-sniff technology on postcards that were distributed to study participants. In addition to postcards, I designed infographics that were used by Monell on their social media channels and through email, sharing information related to smell and taste loss. The Monell team is hoping that SCENTinel pilot program will become part of a large clinical trial in the near future.

Nancy Rawson, Associate Director and Vice President of the Monell Chemical Senses Center, demonstrates the SCENTinel rapid smell test. Photo by Elizabeth Robertson of the Philadelpha Inquirer.

Email design for Monell's 2020 donor appeal